Dashain Festivities in Preston: A Celebration of Culture and Achievement

नेपाली लिङ्क अक्टोबर ६, २०२४

London. The great festival of Dashain has been celebrated grandly by Nepalis in Preston, United Kingdom.

The grand Dashain celebration took place on Friday, organised jointly by the Nepali Society of Preston, Bizz Education, Daari Gang UK, and the UCLan Nepali Society.

On this occasion, established leaders in the UK shared their stories of professional and career success.

The programme began with a welcome for the guests and the national anthem. Hari Karki, the founder of the Nepali Society of Preston and a successful young entrepreneur, expressed gratitude and welcomed all the guests, providing information about the society’s activities to date and future programmes.

On this occasion, Dr. Satyan Rajbhandari, a senior doctor who has been living in Preston for over 20 years, shared his efforts to establish the Nepali community in Preston and his interesting experiences from his long stay in the UK.

This event was not just a Dashain celebration; entrepreneurs who have achieved success in various businesses after coming to the UK also shared the keys to their success.

Hari Karki, the founder of the Nepali Society of Preston, honorary trade representative of the Nepal Chamber of Commerce, and director of the sister organization Nepal innovation Center, Friends of NIC UK, discussed his contributions to bringing hundreds of Nepali students to the UK for their educational advancement through Bizz Education, starting from the struggles he faced upon arriving in the UK.

Karki advised students not to be disheartened by small ups and downs, as everyone must face struggles during their student life. He also mentioned the numerous social works carried out both institutionally and individually by the Nepali community in the UK and in Nepal.

Shyam Dahal, a graduate from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and a consultant at Acorn Recruitment, shared his journey from initial struggles in the UK to his current professional success. Dahal also highlighted how he is providing job opportunities to countless Nepalis living in Preston.

Similarly, Raj Pandey, a successful young entrepreneur and advisor of Daari Gang UK, as well as director of Maya Events and Maya Supported Living, gave an inspiring speech, stating that everyone can achieve success if they work hard and advance in their careers.

In just a decade since arriving in the UK, Pandey has achieved remarkable business success.

The programme also honoured graduates from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and parents visiting the UK from Nepal. After the honours, the guests offered congratulations, best wishes, and blessings for the educational progress of the graduate students.

During the musical session, Sandeep Khatri created a melodious atmosphere with his flute tunes, while Shyam Dahal accompanied him on the madal. There was also singing and dancing on this occasion.

The organisers expressed gratitude to Shyam Dahal from Acorns Recruitment, UCLan Nepali Society president Muna Gharatimagar, Daari Gang UK president Sushil Gautam, Raj Pandey from Maya Group, volunteers, guests, and everyone else who contributed to the success of the programme.


सम्बन्धित सामग्रीहरू