My heart belongs to Nepal where my story began: Sangita Thapa
Miss Nepal Europe 2020, Ist Runner Up

About Myself
My name is Sangita Thapa, age 21. Born in Baglung, Nepal and raised in Dublin, Ireland since the age of 9. Raised in a western society, especially in Ireland, where education and health care is free, I realised the significant importance of these factors in other underdeveloped countries.
I am resilient, I have strong beliefs in both morality and ethics. As a woman in society, I believe to be aware is to be powerful. I believe in becoming the best version of yourself.
I am a second-year student currently studying Bachelors in Pharmaceutical Science. With innovation and knowledge on modern technology, my dream is to hopefully overcome global health challenges, like increasing accessibility to health in remote places which needs urgent interventions. This is why I took this course, and I am madly fascinated by it.
Family Background
I live with my precious mother, alongside my humorous brother (16) and with my humble sister (17). I grew up without a father figure since a very young age. My father passed away just when I was 12 years old. My mother raised me to be the woman I am today. My mother has showed me what it means to be a woman and the courage it takes to be as strong and independent.
I don’t have any particular speciality. Growing up, I participated in all kinds of activities, some I second think today but the one thing that never left me was dance. I am always eager to learn different types of dances. It was my art that I wrote and painted with movements and expressions. For me dancing speaks to the soul who are broken by life and it is something that is intertwined within me.
Another of my hobby is bullet journaling. I take my time off each day to fill in gratitude and self-reminders. Writing means that I am able to recollect all my thoughts no matter how my day or week has been.
I love Photography as a hobby, When I usually go out with family and friends, I love capturing simple moments when people are at their usual self.
Lockdown experience
During this chaotic pandemic, there weren’t many activities to take up as I prioritised education. Just like many people out there, I spent time with family baking, cooking, dancing and enjoying board games.
As an individual who holds a place in the society, I bear a protective responsibility. Having that title does not alter my responsibility. I believe those who are venerable and are unable to protect themselves must be looked after.
I have a sense of responsibility to preserve the culture of my Motherland. Even being abroad for so long, I am no less Nepali. My heart belongs to Nepal because that is where I took my first steps and where my story began. It is my home and pride.
I believe we are always presented by a choice, that we can either remain or evolve. And without being said, in order to make the quintessential world, one without discrimination, poverty, hunger and war. We must evolve both as a nation and as an individual.
Interest about Film/Music Video
Speaking quite frankly, yes, I have thought about it, but I do believe it is a matter of opportunities and the right time. I am happy where I am at the moment.
I do have mixed feelings about entering a beauty pageant. However, once my education is completed, It is something to think about. I might consider.
Nepali community in Ireland
Although the Nepalese community in Ireland is quite small. There is so much kindness and compassion. The love and support everyone carries for another is undoubtedly heart-warming. Maybe because the community is smaller, it allows us to be much closer to one another so, therefore anyone can reach out in the times of need.
Perception towards love and relationship
To love and to be loved is a wonderful thing to do and to have, you love your family, friends, significant other and most importantly yourself. It is an extremely fundamental thing. Humans thrive with love, it’s the beginning and the end.
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