Tamu Samaj UK: Protecting the community from the Covid-19

London–Tamu Samaj UK is a charitable organization formed in 2007 and was registered with the Charity Commission on December 2012. Our Executive members, trustee members, life members and volunteers are primarily from the former Gurkha Soldiers of Nepalese community. The organisation has launched numerous humanitarian projects to deliver public benefits. Last year, we organised a National Lottery Funded project which aimed to bring people together to help address the issues of isolation. Aside from charitable projects, the organisation has also hosted cultural programmes and entertainment activities throughout the years to bring people together.
The key objective of the organisation is to address poverty among the minority and migrated groups and provide various sources of advice, support and essential skills to integrate them into the British society. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tamu Samaj UK has worked hard and swiftly to ensure that all our members remain safe. This is an unprecedented time and we’re doing our utmost to ensure that our members understand the guidance and procedures that put in place by the Government and NHS. Recently we received a fund from the CITY BRIDGE TRUST Community Fund to support our community members affected by COVID-19. We would like to give a big thanks to CITY BRIDGE TRUST fund for the financial assistance. The Tamu Samaj UK is also raising fund from its members to cover the unexpected costs of theCommunity.
We have a dedicated team of 17 members of volunteers, Mr Shivachandra Gurung (President), Mr Shiva Kumar Gurung (Vice President), Mr Harka Bahadur Gurung (Gen Secretary), Mr Yam Bahadur Gurung (Treasurer), Mr Chitra Bahadur Gurung (Founder President and adviser), Mrs Bindu Ghale (Chairperson of Mother Group), Mr Suresh Ghale (Member), Mrs Meera Gurung (first lady/ Member), Mr Gyan Bahadur Gurung(Adviser) , Mr Arjun Kumar Gurung(former President /Adviser ), Mr Kanya Prasad Gurung (Vice President), Mr Khem Bahadur Gurung (Com-Member), Mr Shivsaran Gurung (Former President), Mr Kamal Gurung(Adviser), Mr. Hari Man Gurung (Sport Secratery), Mr. Dharam Bal Gurung, Mr. Omkar Gurung (Youth Chairman) and Ms Subina Ghale (Youth Member). This COVID-19 support team is providing key services to community members in different ways, especially to the vulnerable members of our community. We have started providing support to the community members who are self-isolated and in a difficult situation in the current crisis.
Following funding from the CITY BRIDGE TRUST Fund, we used the money to provide a safety net for our most elderly community members and members too. To protect the most vulnerable people, we provided essential safety items such as face mask, sanitiser, anti-bacterial wipes and hand wash liquid. To ensure our community members have all the necessary information regarding COVID-19 to protect themselves, we provided English to Nepali translated clinical awareness guide.
Our volunteers are in the front line of the community to provide moral support and deliver essential items during this outbreak. Our team of 17 volunteers is available to help and discuss any specific needs to those who require our services. The affected community members, especially those in self-isolation, can request for help directly from our executive members. As of today, our volunteers have provided several of these COVID-19 support services to 245 houses. With full backing of the Tamu Samaj UK, this team will continue to work during this difficult time and support anyone who needs help. Through the Covid-19 support team’s work, we found that most of our elderly members were in good health and well looked after by their immediate families. With few elderly members reporting minor illness, they are being closely monitored and regularly contacted to ensure that they have access to appropriate services that is provided by Tamu Samaj UK and the NHS.
We would like to thank the volunteers for their selfless support during this difficult time and the CITY BRIDGE TRUST Fund for providing funding for this essential service. We also encourage our volunteers to provide friendly support or suggestions to get through this pandemic as a community.
Tamu Samaj UK will continue to monitor and support its members during the COVID -19 pandemic.
(Author Gurung is Founder President Of Tamu Samaj UK)
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